Breeze Decorator is a venture by Mr.P.M.Arumugam, who has been in the profession of decoration services for more than 10 years. We take decoration contracts for various occasions – be it a Marriage Function or a Wedding Reception, a Religious Ceremony or Function, a Social get-together or a Corporate Meeting, a Stage Show or Performance – we assure to make your special occasion, the most memorable. Breeze Decorators operates in the various suburban centers of Coimbatore.
We specialize in Wedding Decoration in general and Indian wedding decoration is our forte. Our team of designers and wedding decorators create that perfect look – be it theme weddings, reception, flower arrangements, stage backdrops, etc.
When you are planning for a wedding event, there are plenty of arrangements that you need to make. Among the different types of reception arrangements, decoration is a very important part.
Whether it is about decorating the entire venue or it is about decorating the table, things need to be arranged and organized in a wonderful manner. There are many people in the recent days that largely go for Asian wedding decorations.
In the recent years, the trend has shifted to the Asian style of decor. There is a unique elegance and charm in these decors, which is possibly not available in any other styles of decorations.
Thanks to many recommendations and repeat clients, we book up very quickly, even for dates far in advance. Please contact us now, at no obligation, to check on availability and discuss your requirements for your Decorations for your function.